by Charlotte Crawford



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/25/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781426965074
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781426965067

About the Book

Once in a great, great while the right people come together at
the right ti me, at the right place to form a community that can
only be described as sheer magic. Sterling was that community.
We were ten years old. It was 1947. A most refreshing period
of ti me that can never be improved upon. Everything in
Sterling was perfect. Except for one thing. The undertaker was
killing people.
Based on true stories. All names have been changed.
Crawford’s book “If you are a Cracker” is a gem. “Sterling” is a
masterpiece. I cherish it - Barbara Barrow: playwright, director,
composer, performing and recording arti st.
Instructor: Old Town School of Folk Music. Chicago, Illinois.
I enjoyed your book (“If You Are a Cracker”) very much.
You are a talented writer.
Keep churning stuff out-Jeff Foxworthy: Comedian
Charlott e Crawford

About the Author

Charlotte Crawford is a native of Polk County, Florida and is an eleventh generation Cracker.
Grew up in a small town where people did not lock their doors and the high school produced many state-wide and national notables, over-achieving doctors and incredibly talented musicians. Her life around phosphate villages is invaluable to her ability to write about Cracker lore.
She has led the typical quirky and varied life of a future drawing, accountant, real estate broker and a long stint in community theatre. Has written and performed songs and comedy. Considers herself to be a story teller and author. A graduate of Florida Atlantic University. Changed her major so many times she has a minor’s worth is just about everything.