YOU and ME

by Wendy STEWART



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/20/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9781426963384
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9781426963391

About the Book

We all have serious questions, whether spoken or in thought form, that no one seems able to answer. There is a secret passage way from the Heart, that leads to the Soul Computor Room where all the records are stored of your previous journeys throughout the Galazy. Only you can access this information by using your password but it takes courage to do so because one is never sure what one will find. Curiosity is a wonderful energy to get us started on the Path to discovery. Are you brave enough? I found that my journey was better than any movie I had watched or book that I had read. It was the story of my own adventures. How many times have you asked yourself, what am I doing here? Why do my parents act like this? Do I really belong here? What is my life all about? Or what is my mission? We can live an ordinary life or step outside the box and share an extra-ordinary life with like-minded people to make this world a better place. Are you ready to step on to the Spiritual Path to discover Who You Really Are? It is not easy to acknowledge that you made the choices before you arrived in this lifetime and sometime in the future you will make more choices that may or may not please your family and friends but they will be made with information that will reveal the Real You.

About the Author

It took many years of searching to find the TRUTH about her journey and endless investigations from secret manuscripts to gleam what the truth really was. Curiosity is a wonderful gift and moved her forward into discovering the Inner Sanctum where all the answers lay patiently waiting. Now in the later years of her life, having walked where Angels Fear to Tread, it is time to share the treasures.