Aromatic plants in the Bible were used for anointing oils, cosmetics, incense, perfumes, and spices.
You will learn how to make your own healing Bible perfumes and creams using the recipes in this book.
Healing Bible perfumes can be used to increase your memory, concentration and learning; uplift your moods, reduce stress, avoid panic attacks, aid digestion and increase your bodies ability to burn fat
and loose weight. Perfumes and incense can be used to fi ght the fl u virus. France used aromatic plants for protection from the avian fl u during the black death plague in 1670; saving many of its people from death. Court
records kept at the Parliament of Toulouse France revealed the recipe that was used. Ancient Jews prepared for viral plagues using aromatic plants. In the 1870’s a group of people used aromatic plants to fi ght the break out of the small pox plague, the story is captured in the pages of Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary. Many diseases can be linked to virus, bacteria and stress. This is what made the healing aromatic plant essences in the Bible valued for thousands of years before Christ and during his reign. Aromatic plant essences were bought at prices higher than gold at various times in history. Aromatic plant essences were used in Anointing oils, perfumes, creams, ointments, and incense, for their healing power; it’s Gods
holistic medicine. Moses was taught the apothecary arts from his step parents who were pharaohs. Pharaohs were trained physicians, and kept their knowledge of the aromatic plants a secret. Whenever you see the words, “ivory tower,” in the Bible it was the prophets way of referring to a holistic perfume, anointing oil or ointment. In Song of Solomon 7:4 it states, “your neck is like an ivory tower…Solomon was describing the special box that held the oil. Ivory boxes were always used to keep perfumes, anointing oils, or ointments in.
When Jesus was born he did not receive an Aspirin or Motrin, he was given the gift of a king, myrrh, frankincense and gold. Jesus was anointed with spikenard oil by Mary. The cost of an ounce ofspikenard essence in those days was $35,000.00. Why would anyone spend that kind of money on an oil essence? Because of the Medicinal healing power of the plant and love. I do believe in supernatural healing power, but I also believe that God made medicinal plants for our use. There is a time and season for everything. For example in 2 kings 20:1, God told Isaiah to make a
poultice of fi gs and lay it on Hezekiah’s boils. God could have healed Hezekiah instantly, but he didn’t. He wanted to heal him through the medicine of the fi gs. Sometimes he uses his supernatural power and
sometimes he uses plants. God is the one that gives the medicine in the plant its ability to work. Isaiah knew about supernatural healing, he was a prophet, but God chose to use the plant. God knows what
is best. He ordained aromatic plants for his use. Jesus is referred to as the Lilly of the valley because he was the one who created the apothecary healing arts.
The cosmetics of ancient times used aromatic plants in them to improve beauty and body function, as well as fi ght airborne viruses. Cosmetic creams branch off from the art of anointing and were revered in
ancient times as much as medicine and were part of the religious culture.
Inhaling aromatic essences was equally important in early medicine. Inhalation of oils improve brain functions and nerve pulse functions. Nerve pulse functions affect the whole body. The plant oil essences
are inhaled through the nose and travel to the lungs and the limbic system in the brain. The oil essences then trigger pulses that are sent through out the entire body. Oil essences improve the electrical response to help improve memory and coordination. For instance, Greek scholars inhaled rosemary
to increase their memories ability to store information. Some essences were inhaled to help the body fight depression and increase feelings of happiness. Frankincense was inhaled to ease asthma and fi ght
tuberculosis and improve the functions of the lungs. Lemongrass and grapefruit were inhaled to tell the brain to curb the appetite and increase metabolism. Some Hollywood stars are using grapefruit oil as
part of their diet regime.
Perfume comes from the Latin word that means “thru smoke.” Incense was part of the ancient perfume arts. Incense was used in ancient beauty treatments in kings courts. These treatments were enforced by Jewish
ancient law. Incense was used in the ancient beauty treatments to improve mood and concentration, relieve stress and induce relaxation.
Chapter 1
How The Healing Plants Work The plants medicinal properties are preserved in an oil base, keeping the medicinal properties in a life like state. According to the Alternative Medicine Encyclopedia by the Gail Group Inc., it takes 30 cups of tea to equal the concentration of one drop of oil.
The aromatic plants contains hormones and chemical constituents that are similar to the ones utilized in the human brain. The botanical oil is rubbed on the body and then the essences travel through the skin penetrating every
molecule in the entire body in twenty minutes. As a test, put some garlic on the bottom of your foot and in about two minutes you’ll be able to taste it in your mouth.
Essential oils boost the immune system and help cell repair inside the body. Essential oils penetrate through the blood brain barrier because their molecular structure is very small. Oil essences help improve the electric communication responses and functions in the body. If the essence is inhaled through the nose, it travels up the nasal cavity to the olfactory receptors and then the receptors send messages throughout the
brain. The limbic system in the brain controls pituitary and hypothalamus functions, the seat of our emotions, memory and sexuality. These glands regulate hormone activities in the endocrine system. Therefore, you
can infl uence the production of hormones that infl uence appetite, metabolism and body temperature; relieve and manage stress by reducing the production of cortisal in the blood; increase or decrease
insulin production and blood pressure; infl uence the immune system, relieve migraine headaches, muscle spasms, pain, and avoid panic attacks.
Neurotransmitters in the brain release endorphins which relieve pain and restore emotional balance. These fi ndings are backed up by the scripture in Proverbs 27:9 that states, “Ointment and perfume rejoice
the heart.”
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is increased by some essential oils that affect the parts of the brain that control movement and coordination.
Evening primrose oil has essential fatty acids that children need to increase their learning ability. Omega 3 and 6 are also needed by children and adults. An increase in learning disabilities and A.D.D are on the
rise. The cause, a decrease in canned food nutrients and not getting enough good fats into your diet.
Schmidt, Gobel, And Dwoshak, did studies with essential oils of peppermint and found that it increased learning and coordination in patients who had brain injuries. (Neuralgia 1994: 14:228:4).
Scientist are testing essential oils on Alzheimer’s patients and found an increase in learning by 30 to 50 percent, according to the Journal of Neuroscience. Lavender was used to help the patients rest better and keep
hallucinations minimal to none. Scientist believe that they can create a vaccine that has the potential to reverse Alzheimer’s disease using grape seed extract. The grape seed extract blocks amyloidal protein
clumping (which is fat build up in the brain). The vaccine will take years to be tested and released to the public.
Chapter 2
How The Healing Perfumes Were Used In The Bible
What would it be like too go to a doctor in ancient times? Kings, priest and prophets were trained in the
medical fi el