Stand while I sentence you…

by Tony Morich



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/6/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781466912373
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781466912380

About the Book

I wrote this book in hopes to educate the world about heaven and hell, real time prison experience- years of it- and to wake up the young juvenile delinquent about what the end result is, of a criminal lifestyle. Jesus is the star of the book, Sammy is my brother to a different mother, and I'm just the tool to put it all together. Saving the lives of police officers is also a hope of this book. All of it is true. Some of it is tragic. Yet the truth- sometimes hard to believe- should always be told. Read on and you will learn things that you will always remember.

About the Author

Tony considers himself nothing without the Lord Jesus Christ. As we are all sinners, we must strive daily to be more perfect - as God is perfect. Making the Deans List at the one college was easy for Tony, but the 8 years of unjustly being sent to a prison - was not easy. He won the award at the one work place for the most positive customer feedback- and that was only by God's grace. Being a teacher for 6 years -while he was a prisoner- teaches all of us involved about the importance of communication skills. and to keep the mind busy and healthy. He also strives to die daily to the flesh- sinful nature and to live more for the Spirit.