The Adventures of Muffin and Alexander

The Please and Thank You Tea Party

by Dr. Barbara Levandowski. & Illustrated by Frank A. Lowe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/24/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 36
ISBN : 9781466965386

About the Book

Welcome to the fourth book in “The Muffin and Alexander” series titled “The Please and Thank You Tea Party”. In this book we find Muffin and Alexander teaching a very important message about being kind and polite. Muffin and Alexander invite their many friends to a tea party with wonderful decorations, wonderful treats ad a very important message for everyone attending. Find out how our furry little friends help others learn the meaning of being kind and polite and the magic words “please” and “thank you”. Muffin and Alexander continue to find new adventures in this and the exciting books to follow. We hope that you will continue to follow along with us on their adventures.

About the Author

Dr. Levandowski has been an educator for the past 41 years. She lives in the Chicago area with the real Alexander and her family. Her passion for teaching and her love for children and her cats resulted in The Adventures of Muffin and Alexander series.