by Robert Greenough



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/4/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 494
ISBN : 9781466932432
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 494
ISBN : 9781466932449

About the Book

Wonderful Worlds is an explanation to laymen of events in cosmos and earth history, sequences of species life, and interactions of the brain, mind, soul, genome, enzymes, organs, and body. We see development of cultures directed from positions of logic and reason, eventually describing what makes us human. Proposed as beginning even before the accepted moment of the big bang, the cosmos erupts later over billions of years to first life in a progression of species, eventually leading to a fresh look at Homo erectus and newly thought subspecies of Neanderthal, sapiens, and modern man. Presented here are at least thirty alternatives to generally accepted myth, magic, and misclassifications in history. Man with emotions, including an underlying spirituality, combined with soul, brain, mind, genome, and body has experienced his evolution for over 600,000 years of a 13.7 billion-year existence. Only in the past ten thousand years has man acted in society as an intelligent, technical, communicating, calculating, emotional, and spiritual resident of Earth, even to expanding in the universe. This comprehensive collection of alternative views should be on the reading shelf of every person inquisitive of his or her planet Earth’s birthright.

About the Author

Expansive personal interests in wide variety of topics. MBA from University of Michigan, BA from Michigan State University, and associated courses in law and engineering. Fondness for all phases of ancient history, evolution, the body and soul in development, and cultures. Attempt to communicate technical material to the common man.