God, Did You Send This Mate to Me?
Book Details
About the Book
Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to observe many different marriages from a close proximity. In doing so, I’ve learned that though they all differ in many ways, there are also many similarities. The areas of concerns that I’ve seen in these different relationships are basically stem from the same kinds of problems. Amos 3 and 3 of the King James Version of the Holy Bible reads can two walk together, except they be agreed? So if two cannot even walk together unless they agree, how can they live together? I hope that when you have finished reading this book, you will be inspired to look deeper into what you are about to enter into, or perhaps what you’ve already entered. If you are not yet married, you will begin to seek understanding first of yourself and what you expect out of marriage, what you have to offer to the marriage, and finally are you willing to take on a life long compromise with another individual. Secondly, you will begin to seek understanding of the mate that you will vow to spend the rest of your mortal life with. Does he/she share any of the same values and ideas about life as you do? Can you find common ground when there is a disagreement between the two of you? If you are already married, and you have opened the door of reality, you’ve seen that to have a successful marriage, it’s going to take a lot of work. Does your marriage consist of just the two of you, or have you invited Christ to head up your union? Over the years, people have lost the true value of marriage. Marriage was designed by God to be sacred and forever. It should not be entered into lightly nor dismissed so easily. The divorce rate is so high, because mankind has failed to take the sanctity of marriage serious. There is only one acceptable reason for entering marriage, and only that one thing that will seal the marriage and that is LOVE. So seek your answer from the one that knows all, God. Ask him the question, “God, Did You Send This Mate to Me?”
About the Author
Cynthia Bolton is a vessel used by God. She was inspired to write this book in an effort to share her experiences with marriage,both directly and indirectly. She is a licensed teacher of her religious organization. She has a Bachelor of Science in Health and Human Science from The University of Southern, MS and is currently enrolled in the Master's program at Grand Canyon University.