A Man's Mind

Wouldn't You Want to Know?

by Lonnie Lewis Jr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/30/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781466902367

About the Book

This book “A Man’s Mind” is written in chronological order to give a little insight on how a man thinks & feels from when he first meets a woman at the dating/courting stage leading up to the marriage stage. Issues such as sex, sexual moods, cheating, ex’s, sports, and marriage are just some of the focus points from a males perspective that you will read about as you read through the book. The overall foundation of “A Man’s Mind” is to be a liaison to woman to help understand where the man is coming from and why the man acts and feels the way he may feel. “A Man’s Mind” not only focuses on issues that occur in relationships but shows how you can tell if that man has a genuine love for you.The intentions of “A Man’s Mind” is to help build healthy new relationships, keep relationships together that may be on the verge of losing, and bring back relationships that may have faltered unnecessarily. Also “A Man’s Mind” is trying to establish the love & romance back into relationships instead of having relationships that are built on situations, lust, and or even deceitfulness.

About the Author

In the spring of 2000, he graduated from Hill Crest High School located in Country Club Hills, Ill receiving his High School Diploma. Moving forward he was able to attend Westwood College of Technology earning his B.A. in Applied Science of Criminal Justice in the year 2007.