Take Care of the Children in Your Own Backyard

by Earline Carr



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/3/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 61
ISBN : 9781466901872

About the Book

This book is interesting, innovative, and inspiring. It opens your eyes to a realm of information that is very vital and very helpful. You will see how relevant it is today! The title of this book gives you the insight of the dangers and challenges children, teenagers, young adults, and parents have to face on a daily basis. Take Care of the Children in Your Own Backyard is a must-have and a great need in society.

About the Author

Earline has a keen insight into the challenges that many families are facing. She shares information that guides and assists individuals to solve their life/family challenges. She is a woman who greatly desires to fulfill and to show the love of Jesus Christ fully activated in her life. Her compassion for people is what motivated her to write. She saw that there was a need for these words of truth to help people become liberated from a spirit of self-destruction.