You Ought to get to Know Him


by Verda Sherrod



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/22/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781466946286
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781466946279

About the Book

When you meet someone that you can share your dreams, hopes, and fears with, share your inner most secrets, laugh and cry with, and be yourself and they still like you, you want to spend the rest of your life with them. It is inevitable that you fall in love, get married, and believe you will live happily ever after. It is then that you make a lifelong commitment to be together. At that time, life seems to be perfect, but then tragedy strikes. You are thrown for a loop by the inevitability of death. Feelings of hopelessness consume you. What do you do when you pray for someone to live, but he is ready to die? Suddenly, your peace and happiness are gone, and you would trade places with that person if you could. Suddenly life as you know it is over. There seems to be no balance between the good, the bad, and the ugly things happening in your life. Death is imminent! Experiences outlined in this book show: how faith outweighs balance—faith in knowing that God knows, allows, and does what is best for us; faith that good outweighs bad, knowing that death is inevitable. There is life after death, and we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love him and are then called according to his purpose. This book will prepare you for a greater relationship that never ends . . . a relationship with the one who makes life worth living and death worthwhile.

About the Author

Verda Sherrod, MA Ed., is the daughter of Verdis and Gussie Scott. She and her son released a CD “You Ought to Get to Know Him,” honoring God and her late husband, Orville Walter Sherrod. She is a Christian, Evangelist, community builder, entrepreneur, family life educator, mentor, poet, and child development advisor.