Imagine you were a fly.
Just an ordinary housefly.
Wearing no fancy clothes like a butterfly.
You’d fly to where ever you want to go,
Always avoiding a hungry foe.
For birds and bats you’re always “a meal on the go”.
Your favorite game is to sit on a person’s bare knee.
By the time you’re noticed, you’ve flown away and laugh hee hee.
Flies are clever and fast, you see.
You would not bite or sting,
Nor bark or sing.
But help pollinate plants; a wonderful thing.
When you’re four weeks old and ready to die,
You’ll fly up to heaven and say,
“It was a good life as a fly.”
Imagine you were a goat.
You’d be wearing a black, brown or white coat.
You might live in China or Switzerland,
In America, Germany or Swaziland.
You can walk on this planet with pride,
Since you give people milk, wool, meat and hide.
Besides, you’re graceful and gentle in nature;
Indeed, an outstanding creature.
No wonder President Lincoln had two of you
For his sons as pets in the White House in 1862.
You can be affectionate in a cute and funny way,
And you can communicate without a word to say.
Young goats are called “kids” lovingly,
And giving birth is “kidding” accordingly.
Goats have been with people for a long, long time.
Stay with us, billies and nannies; you’re sublime.
Imagine you were a crow.
You’d be a bird of black elegance and style,
Flying fearlessly through woods
And over meadows with a smile.
Your life is good;
There is plenty of food.
Corn, insects and mice taste good to you,
And you eat frogs, spiders and worms too.
You’re no fool.
You can even make a simple tool.
And with training you can say words.
Indeed, you are one of the smartest birds.
If you can avoid hungry foes
Like the hawks, the owls and the bears,
You can live happily up to thirty years.
Imagine you were a tree.
Life would be different, you see.
You wouldn’t move around, but stay right here,
Drink raindrops instead of rootbeer.
Your blossoms beautify the world in spring,
Make the bees happy and the birds sing.
Your leafy arms reach up to heaven day and night,
And turn color in fall; a beautiful sight.
In summer, on hot and sunny days
You give protection from the rays.
People and animals do love you.
You give them fruits and nuts too.
After you have lived many, many years,
You might be turned into chairs.
Or you become paper, books and such,
Tree, the world needs you very much.