by S.H Keshavjee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/28/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781490791142
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781466916128

About the Book

Included is a treatise on the origins of this process, the different kinds of alternate dispute resolution processes and the advantage over State Controlled Dispute resolution processes- The courts. He has also included reference to “the Power of an apology”, discussed online ADR systems, and discusses its origins in Islam, a religion that has perked the interest of the west, of a religion that is so widespread and yet so misunderstood.. More important he has tried to expound a more altruistic view of dispute resolution using apt “Words of wisdom”. He tries to show that as Shakespeare put it “ to obtain a pound of flesh” Or to do it for the sake of revenge is not the right way to go. Arbitration is a more formal, involved ADR process which whilst gaining importance is the least understood process. He endeavours to make arbitrators or parties to an arbitration out of novices with the least amount of effort. He endeavours to demystify this creature called “Arbitration” His appendix not only contains sample agreements, rules etc but has sample arbitration clauses, not only for regular contracts but for Company constitutions, wills, and marriage contracts.

About the Author

The author had studied law with the University of London, was a member of the Institute of Arbitrators of UK, followed by becoming a certified arbitrator in Canada. Not only has he conducted arbitrations but has written several articles and conducted training seminars on this subject.