What Do You Think About It?

A Collection Of Daily Thoughts

by Warren O. Monroe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/22/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781466917088
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781466917071

About the Book

A Collection of Daily Thoughts

The word thought generally refers to any mental or intellectual activity involving an individual's subjective consciousness. It can refer either to the act of thinking or the resulting ideas or arrangement of ideas. Over the past few years I've put my thoughts down on paper and shared them with family and friends. Some said to me "it’s too long", some said to me "I’ve heard that before" and some just said nothing as if my thoughts were delivered and fallen into a black hole. On the other hand there were those who cheered me on and encouraged me to keep distributing my thoughts and consider some day writing a book. "What Do You Think About It" is a labor of love collection of my best 31weekly thoughts for your reading enjoyment. In addition, you can take an active part in my literary endeavor by writing down your thoughts at the end of each chapter. One difference between humans and other animals is our ability to think, process our thoughts and make life changing decisions on the results. As you read and hopefully enjoy my book apply your thoughts to the message intended in each chapter. It's not really our efforts that define us; it's our ability to open our minds and hearts to the depths of our true thoughts and honest feelings. Paracelsus, renaissance period physician, chemist, and surgeon wrote; thoughts are free and subject to no rule. On them rest the freedom of a man and they tower above the light of nature . . . create a new heaven, a new firmament, a new source of energy from which new art flows.

This book represents a small piece of my heaven, my new firmament, my new source of energy from which my new art will flow. I hope you enjoy all my thoughts but I don't expect you will just sail away on a literary cruise navigated by everything I've written. So I've provided space at the end of each chapter for your thoughts on each topic. Hence the title, "What Do You Think About It" ...Bon Voyage

About the Author

Warren Monroe currently works in human resources for an international textile company. He is also owner and operator of a marketing franchise, Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing. Over the past thirty-three years, he has served as regional director of human resources, training and development manager and also assisted in HR troubleshooting and facility start-ups in Japan, Mexico, and Vietnam. The middle son of five children born to Alexander and Eunice Monroe, he grew up with good Christian values and work ethics. He attended JC Price High School during the ’60s and received his bachelor of science degree from Livingstone College in Salisbury, North Carolina. A veteran of the United States Marine Corps during the Vietnam era, he credits the marine corps and the lessons he learned during those years for starting his life in the right direction. In the early ’90s, after becoming fed up by the violence and troubled direction of youth during that time, he got involved in mentoring. He was the first mentor for a pilot mentoring program called Mentor at the Gate. He later founded Boys Til’ Men, a mentoring organization that got boys involved in athletic activities while, at the same time, introduced them to Christ. It is his firm belief that mentoring did as much or more for him as it did for the boys. His community services and awards included the following: Board of Director for Communities in Schools Cochairman, Red Cross, Union County President, Union County Personnel Association Founder/President, Boys Til’ Men mentoring organization Board of Director, Habitat for Humanity Board of Director, United Way of the Piedmont Board of Director, Union County Development AME Zion–Licensed Exhorter South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice Volunteer of the Year National Good Neighbor for Community Excellence Award