
by TheoLogos Publications



Book Details

Language : Other
Publication Date : 7/2/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781466939325
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781466939332
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781466939349

About the Book

Under the amazing guidance of the Holy Spirit and the help of other believers, the author has discovered nine sets of numerical roots using James Harrison's Trinity Function or “Trinity Root Function” (TRF) as it is called in this book. And these nine roots of numbers correlate well with nine basic natural numbers from 1 to 9. Moreover, based on the concise and simple structural relationships between numbers and their corresponding roots, God's entire redemption blueprint and the core teaching of the Gospel can be presented fully at one glance. We cannot help but praise God from the bottom of our hearts for such a wonderful and amazing design! On the eve of Jesus' second coming, this book is published to help all those who are willing to diligently seek the truth. On one hand, we hope the book will prevent more Christian watchmen from falling into the pit of “guessing the day and hour” of the Lord's coming; on the other hand, the book could help everyone to pay closer attention to the core teachings of the Bible and to accept Jesus as the only Savior of mankind, especially at this moment of time before His imminent return.

About the Author

The author got a book entitled New Testament Numerically Coded to Strong’s Concordance (1987, Bible Reference Publishers Inc.) in the nineties as a gift from a very old man. Since then, it became a never-ending joy for him to study the Word of God based on the original meanings of the Bible’s Hebrew and Greek words. Over a time span of over eighteen years, the author started to see a full picture of the Bible according to its original revelation. As a result, many difficult Bible issues start to show up with fresher and more thorough understandings. With the help of biblical numerology as a tool, these new understandings get re-enforced and confirmed, especially after the author made an unprecedented discovery of nine numerical roots, no more and no less, based on James Harrison’s “Trinity Function.” After the amazing finding of nine numerical roots for all natural numbers, following six books on the topic of end times had been penned down in a matter of five months before the Christmas of 2011: 1. Numbers and Roots of Numbers in the Bible 2. The Sword for the End Times I: Dividing Truths in Daniel and Revelation 3. The Sword for the End Times II: Dividing Truths in Gospels and Other Bible Books 4. Daily Gathering of Manna I: Touching Pivotal Issues in the Bible 5. Daily Gathering of Manna II: A Unified View of the Four Gospels 6. Daily Gathering of Manna III: Gleanings from the Whole Bible