How Can you Lose with a Birthday to Choose?

by Lola Beringson & Illustrated by Charlo Nocete



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/24/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781466955189

About the Book

A birthday is a special event that occurs each year. This book offers classic and playful ideas to make a birthday memorable. It can be difficult to decide how to celebrate this special day. Here are some simple, basic and not so boring traditions. Reading this book to your child will promote interest by providing the opportunity to voice their own choice.

About the Author

Lola has resided in Northern Georgia for the last 18 years. She is a retired registered nurse who has worked in the fields of Ob-Gyn and Psychiatry. She has always had a fascination with children’s books and was inspired to write after becoming a grandmother of four. She enjoys reading to her grandchildren, Cailyn and Tate, Lilly and Owen, and dedicates this publication to them. She is very appreciative of the support given by her husband and family. Hobbies include reading, gardening, and cooking in between spending time with family.