Kissing Your Heartache Goodbye

What Women Need to Do Before Beginning Another Relationship

by Shawon Watson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/21/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781466969377
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781466969360

About the Book

Many women have tried to go into new relationships without being healed, still carrying deep wounds from previous relationships. Often these women become discouraged when subsequent relationships do not work out. Shawon Watson sets out a step-by-step plan for healing past wounds and reconditioning yourself for new relationships using biblical and psychological principles to teach forgiveness. Shawon shows how to let go of even the most devastating betrayals, rediscover your self-worth, raise your own awareness of habits standing in the way of fulfilling relationships, clarify what you want out of relationship, choose prospective mates by understanding the different types of men on the dating market, and more based on extensive research and conversations with everyday women. Kissing Your Heartache Good-bye gives an empathic and insightful perspective to love relationships.

About the Author

Shawon Watson is from San Diego, California, and has an associate’s degree in social work. After years of bitterness from past unsuccessful relationships, Shawon decided to turn his frustration into teaching others, with God’s help. At twenty-four, Shawon decided to finally follow his calling, which was to be a motivational speaker, life coach, and author. He has experience in ministry and currently does three Internet relationship shows, one of which he cohosts. Shawon is currently involved in numerous community activities that improve relationships.