The Wonder of it All
Book Details
About the Book
The Wonder of It All is a collection of rhymed and free verse poems by Earl Fee covering a wide range in five sections ─Live, Love, Laugh, Pathos, and Spirit/ Spirituality. The 71 beautiful colored professional photos, carefully selected─support the theme and atmosphere of the 118 poems and assist to bring the poems to life. Many of these poems have an important message or story. These down-to-earth poems will help awaken and sharpen your senses of taste, sight, hearing and particularly feelings associated with the heart and spirit; and will increase appreciation of the nature all around you,─ and increase your empathy for your fellow man. Every day can then become an Earth Day, instead of just one day a year─in appreciation and gratitude for our planet Earth and it’s nature. And then ideally, everyday becomes for you a People Day (my invention) ─a great appreciation, love and empathy for our fellow man, leading to helping each other. Then you will truly be in awe of the wonder of it all.