Cookie Planet

by Sharon A. Ortegon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/8/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 16
ISBN : 9781466982673

About the Book

This a great story about Vince and Maggie going on an adventure. They are about to discover cookie planet. They have been wanting to go to cookie planet but there rocket has been broken down. This is the day they finally get to go to cookie planet.

About the Author

Hello My name is sharon ortegon. As becoming an author I just want to share my stories and pictures with children all around the country. I just love how kids think the world of things and as we grow up we lose that. I want my stories to inspire the young and make a difference. imagination is always good to have. As kids we have such an imagination and I dont want the young generation to lose there imagination.