Perspectives on Nation-State Formation in Contemporary Africa

by Godknows Boladei Igali



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/15/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 338
ISBN : 9781490720906
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 338
ISBN : 9781490720883
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 338
ISBN : 9781490720890

About the Book

The challenge of state formation and national integration is evident, and the need for a solution is even more demanding in places like Africa where nation states were formed under very special historical circumstances. In Perspectives on Nation-State Formation in Contemporary Africa, author Godknows Boladei Igali presents a digest that examines the challenges of state formation and national integration in Africa and offers preferred solutions within the context of the symbolic diversities. In this study, Igali outlines the immediate context and challenges of national integration in Africa in its human dimension. He reviews the political formations of ancient Africa—which varied in size, philosophical premise, and organisational structures—and discusses partition, military invasions, conquest, and colonisation. He then addresses colonial rule or administration, African nationalism, and decolonisation and analyses the process of nation-state formation in post-independent Africa from the perspective of the political systems and ideologies Reviewing a wide range of time from ancient times through the colonial period and since independence, this survey discusses the processes of national integration and nation-state formation in Africa, providing perspectives that deepen the understanding of these nation-building processes.

About the Author

Godknows Boladei Igali, earned his doctorate degree in Politics and International Studies from the University of Venezuela, Caracas. A career diplomat and seasoned technocrat, he had previously served as Nigeria’s Ambassador to several countries around the world including, Cameroon, and the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. He has also held a number of top public appointments in Nigeria. He is an avid environmentalist and climate change advocate. He also sits on the board of several national and international charity and academic institutions and has received many global recognition and decorations. “I have known Ambassador Igali for many years and had served me in several capacities during my tenure as President. He enormously contributed to issues of peace at Bakassi Peninsula as Consul General of Nigeria to Cameroon and as my Honorary Adviser and Chief Negotiator during the Niger Delta crisis. He clearly belongs to the new generation of highly trained senior Nigerian Civil Servants and technocrats who are dedicated to the world of scholarship. They are willing and able to combine the demanding career responsibilities with the life of research and production of high quality works of scholarship as evident in the rich content of this seminal work.” Chief (Gen) Olusegun Obasanjo, GCFR Former President, Federal Republic of Nigeria