Book You Could Have Written

And the search for reality

by Essdale Wilson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/21/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781466985513
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781466985506

About the Book

A special effort has been made to remove the boring, suffering associated with dictatorial, forced obligatory swallow-and-follow method of Bible study. It is a must read for the curious, believers, nonbelievers. It is the paradigm of methodology for those determined to do their own research that we are all capable of.

About the Author

About my expertise: I spent years in the field of education. I decided that if I am going to have the Bible dictate ethics, mores,the right things to do and control my life I should at least have some knowledge of the Bible so I studied and analized it. I discovered that many people have not studied the Good Book mainly because they already feel that they know what is contained in it and so avoid the boredom, I am just a man on the street attempting to become knowledgeable. That' s why I strongly believe that you could have written this book and probably done a better job. You may disagree with my conclusionsas I cast new light on the textand backup conclusions chapter and verse. You will be moved by the contents as a non-believer or believer. I hope that you benefit and strengthen your convictionsas well as gain knowledge.