A Nicolas Haig Mystery

by Charles Hays



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/24/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781466991002
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781466991026
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781466991019

About the Book

This book is a work of fiction that describes man’s inhumanity toward man after WWII and until very recently in 2013. Members of the “master race” did not want Negro blood in the veins of German children who were offspring of the trysts between Negro soldiers and German prostitutes. The soldiers are looking for good sex and a stable home environment while the women were looking for a provider and a weekend lover. All couples are deeply infatuated with each other. The storyline is a sequel to The Freedom Murders with the same cast of General Sarma Goldbond, Carlos Espinosa, and Nicolas Haig. All antagonists are active members of the Associated Speerwerthers Society of Bonn and Berlin, Germany. The general theme is for Nicolas and his team to discover perpetrators that do not want to be found or brought to justice. They start their search knowing nothing, but through due diligence, they work their way through the fog and maze to find success at the end of the day. And the punishment that is applied is of the order that was approved by all the associated authorities, judicial, administrative, and otherwise. At the end of the day, just fairness is applied and the protagonists move on to Berlin where a similar den of inequity is known to exist.

About the Author

Here, Charles Hays has written his eighth book for the Trafford Press and that makes him a legacy author, which is rare for most writers. A lot of his energy and time have been spent with what we call the laying of the lines. You may not know him as well as we do, but we classify him as one of the most consistent writers of our time. Unfortunately, his books have not caught on with the reading public as we hoped that they would. Be among the first to recognize his unique talent and obvious tenacity. Please buy his books. He is an old man that needs your help through our royalties. Hays won’t live much longer and funerals are expensive. He needs to fade away without any huge debts for his two children. So if you want to help pay for his funeral, in advance, each of your readers are welcome to do so. May God bless each of you, my readers and my only benefactors, other than Medicare, of course.