Embracing theTruth of God's Word




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/27/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781490712369
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781490712352

About the Book

Many congregations and church leaders are faced with the collapse of the institutional church culture in America. A great number of them have retreated inside their four walls and created church activities to replace their Christ-given mission to make disciples, and thereby extending His kingdom on earth “thy kingdom come.” Abandoning their mission means they have abandoned their real identity and reason for existence. Others have gone to the other extreme by selling out to the culture. Their worship service is a form of entertainment with the objective “to feel good” and “be happy.” Both choices have turned off many saved people, and they have left the church. In 1998, a Barna poll reflected that 20 million born-again Christians had withdrawn their membership. Today’s poll shows an increase to 115,000 million. Many are out there striving to reboost the church’s lost mission “to make disciples” and “thy kingdom come.” God has not changed His mind!

About the Author

I have been a pastor and Bible teacher for more than thirty years. From experience I know that, for the most part, the church in America has lost its genuine spiritual life and mission: to make disciples. Church activity is a poor substitute, rather than face the hard truth: none of this flurry of activities seem to be making a difference. Living in Fayetteville, North Carolina, I have had the chance to observe the church multiculturaly. Magdalene and I founded the Bread of Life Bible Institute, a nontraditional Bible college where our mission is to equip the students to go back to their communities and churches to help make their church relevant to this culture and society. Books I have previously written include How Should We Then Live, Behold the Man, The Blood Runs through It, Drawn Away, and Give Me Jesus.