Spiritual Transformation of the Fourth Millennium

Old Time Conventional Religion Is Fading New time Spirituality Is on the Rise

by Lloyd E. McIlveen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/15/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781490728773
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781490728766

About the Book

If ever a person wanted to read on opening up a can of worms on a controversial subject, this is one of them. This is one of the king daddies of all the controversial issues. It’s about the beginning, the interim, and the now, where conventional religion started, where it has been going and the changing route it is headed into. It may resist its inevitable destiny, or it may conform to the slow-moving new way of individual spirituality. The text is comprehensive, rational, and may be a bit startling to uninformed, naive, and inflexible believers while informative to nonbelievers, but is definitely an eye and ear opener for everyone. Your author recommends reading Evaluating Outdated Beliefs first as a preparation for further understanding the progression submitted in this issue of unfolding spiritual change.

About the Author