"The Crow's Cry 2"

by Anastasia Shmaryan



Book Details

Language : Other
Publication Date : 8/22/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781490710341

About the Book

Shmaryan’s The Crow’s Cry 2 is a unique sequel. Readers will be interested as a friendship between Robert and a magpie is continuing, leading them on a path of crime as they embark on international ventures. Martin is, out of envy, hunting Robert, who’s likable; imagine readers empathizing with him.

About the Author

She writes: this unique story can capture book lovers’ minds. They will be interested in characters as one, out of envy, hunts Rob, who is likable but picks a path of crime. Imagine readers empathizing with him, and they will follow a crow as it steals.