by Soji Oni



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/14/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 970
ISBN : 9781490715759
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 970
ISBN : 9781490715773
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 970
ISBN : 9781490715766

About the Book

Challenges and Prospects in African Education System: The general idea this book is trying to disseminate is to inform readers about the compelling challenges and prospects in African system of education. As we all know, when issues of Africa educational system is raised, the first set of thoughts that come to mind is decline in standard, deterioration of facilities, examination malpractices, cult crises or school-based violence, shortage of teachers, underqualified teachers, and poor teachers’ performance, which results in poor learning standards, lack of classroom discipline that is exacerbated by insufficient resources and inadequate infrastructure, failure of appropriate inspection and monitoring, and confusion caused by changing curricula without proper communication and training. All these have led to massive demoralization and disillusionment among teachers and a negative and worsening perception of African system of education. This, therefore, calls for in-depth analysis aimed at tutoring every stakeholder in education on how their action and inactions have individually and collectively contributed to the collapsing state of education in Africa. However, the prospect is that Africa’s recovery and sustainable development can only be guaranteed through expansion and sustenance of both quantitative and qualitative—of the continent’s stock of human capital through education. In order for education to realize its key role in development, it must be provided to the younger segments of African society as quickly as human and financial resources permit, with the ultimate goal of developing a comprehensive, meaningful and sustainable system of education at all levels and for all age groups. This is the message that this book puts across in the six knitted sections.

About the Author

Soji Oni, PhD, a Fulbright scholar, is a lecturer in the Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria. He specializes in sociology of education and foundation studies in education. His area of research focus includes social problems in education, social change in education, social deviances/social disorganizations in education with particular focus on students’ secret cult in Nigeria. He has published widely in these areas. He has a lot of publication to his credit, which includes chapters in books; articles that have appeared in national and international learned journals based in Nigeria, USA, India, South Africa, UNESCO, Japan, Botswana, Turkey, Ghana, Netherland, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Malaysia, Tanzania, Canada, South Korea, Senegal, Philippines, and Poland. He is the secretary and managing editor of Journal of Educational Review of Higher Education Research and Policy Network. Editorial board member, Journal of Early Childhood and Primary Education, Department of Early Childhood and Primary Education, Nnamid Azikwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. He is also an associate editor of Nigerian Journal of Sociology of Education of the Association of Sociologists of Education of Nigeria, an associate editor of Spo leczenstwo i Rodzina (Society and Family Journal), published by Faculty of Social Science, Stalowa, Wola, the John Paul II Catholic University, Lublin, Poland. Editorial board member, East African Journal of Educational Research and Policy (EAJERP), published by Higher Education Research and Policy Network (HERPNET) Africa; and managing editor of Lagos Education Review, Journal of the Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria. Associate editor of Liceo Journal of Higher Education Philippines and also editor-in-chief of Journal of Social Sciences, published by International Association of Multidisciplinary Research in Philippine. In 2003 to 2004, he got the Fulbright Junior Visiting Scholar Fellowship to Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA. His PhD thesis also won the 2006 Babs Fafunwa Foundation Award as the best in Nigerian Faculties of Education. On May 2013, he emerged as the winner of Best Accomplished African Educational Researcher (Awarded by Association for the Development of Education in Africa- ADEA/African Development Institute–ADI/Korea Trust Fund), 2011/2012 edition. He is also a workshop training consultant to Nigeria Port Authority on leadership training, capacity building, and team building.