Popcorn Favorites

Everything you want to know about popcorn and more

by John (Jack) Podojil & Peggy Sue Podojil



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/26/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 306
ISBN : 9781490716534
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 306
ISBN : 9781490716558
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 306
ISBN : 9781490716541

About the Book

Popcorn Favorites: Everything You Want to Know about Popcorn and More by John (Jack) Podojil Peggy Sue Podojil Trafford Publishing reviewed by J.A. Garcia “May all of your days and nights resemble popping corn, Bright, cheerful and full of wonderful mouth-watering flavor.” An author of motivational books and proponent of education, Podojil combines his love of popcorn with his passion for inspiring children to learn in this volume that is both informative and entertaining. Podojil begins by providing readers with basic facts about this salty snack, briefly exploring the various types of kernels as well as the science behind what makes this particular type of corn pop. The chapters that follow provide greater detail on the history of popcorn, several mechanical innovations that forever changed the way popcorn is made, and a wealth of Native American folklore surrounding this tasty and versatile treat. Readers will also find information on surprising attractions devoted entirely to popcorn as well as fun popcorn trivia. After providing this rich foundation of popcorn knowledge, Podojil goes on to describe practical applications for the classroom by including detailed lessons and activities for a variety of subjects and age groups. Finally, this unique popcorn guide reveals various recipes for not only the familiar varieties of candied popcorn or savory flavorings, but several unexpected culinary treats as well, such as “Popcorn Soup” and “Popcorn Diner Meatloaf.” This multifaceted popcorn guide is useful for not only popcorn aficionados, but parents, educators, and home cooks alike. Intuitively laid out, this volume provides a wealth of knowledge on the history, science, economics, and culture surrounding this popular treat. And perhaps best of all, popcorns lovers will be happy to find over eighty easy-to-follow, diverse recipes that are sure to please the most discerning popcorn fan.

About the Author

John Podojil John’s childhood hearing impairment did not impair his success in life. After surgery restored his hearing, he went on to obtain his GED and a college degree, later teaching technical education at the University of California San Diego, California State University Dominguez Hills, the College of Southern Nevada and Arizona State University. John has presented at both Cornell University and Stanford, educated over 3,000 technical education instructors on safety in technical skills classrooms and is an advocate for technical education. Mr. Podojil has been listed as an Honored Professional in the National Registry of “Who’s Who in America”. He currently writes safety articles of interest for several national magazines and is a requested lecturer for various national organizations as a motivational speaker at Professional Development Conferences. John has been featured on several television specials for his positive contributions to the safety abatement endeavors of Industrial Technology/Arts programs in several states. In November of 2003 Mr. Podojil was selected by Fox News as a safety expert for a special featuring the dangers of shopping in warehouse type operations at large chain stores throughout the United States. He has been honored as a catalyst for his never-ending quest to make the industrial work place and Industrial Technology Education (TECH-ED) classrooms a safer environment for working and learning. He is also owner of Podojil & Associates, a private full-service safety, health, environmental and engineering consulting firm. He can be reached at www.podojilconsulting.com Linda Podojil Before retiring from the Boeing Company as full-time safety administrator at Boeing Portland and also in Seattle, Linda was a part-time safety instructor for South Seattle Community College, where she taught occupational safety and health related subjects. Linda has also been honored as a catalyst for her never-ending quest to make the industrial work place and Industrial Technology Education (TECH-ED) classrooms a safer environment for working and learning. Linda also an author who writes for national magazines and has co-authored three other motivational and educational books. John and Linda are authors and they authored two motivational quote books titled “I Am A Teacher, Motivational Quotes For Teachers” and “Inspirational Quotes For Teacher” This latest book is available through Simple truths www.simpletruths.com. Linda passed away in 2011 after a long fight with Cancer. Peggy S. Podojil Peggy’s wish was to teach. She planned on special education and wanted to positively influence children. She did become a teacher, but not the one she intended to be. Life’s path led her to a career in banking. She found she could mentor those she worked with and help them obtain skills for a job and life. Her goal was to make each day better for someone. It might be a smile and a conversation with a client. It could be letting an employee present a solution and implement their idea. It was not always about following policy but recognizing how policy could help you find a solution to produce a win-win situation.