Justice or Just Us . . . You Decide

Sometimes the Truth Won’t Set You Free

by Sasha Hood



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/13/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781490719160
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781490719177
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781490719153

About the Book

How would you feel if you were convicted of a crime you did not commit? Would you lie down and do nothing? Would you accept the truth that the judicial system played out for you? Would you fight for the truth? Would you seek justice that isn’t there for you? Would you do everything in your power to fight for your freedom? Or would you just allow the judicial system to tear your world apart? These are some of the things that I had to answer in my book Justice or just Us . . . You Decide. Justice or Just Us is an up close and personal account of the inadequacies of the judicial system on racial profiling. No matter what walk of life you come from, this can happen to you. It takes place in Eastbay, California in the city of Devils Bay. I was a 41yr old African American disabled woman that was wrongfully accused of a crime I did not commit. Before this happened in my life my record was clean. The charges were 2 counts of battery on a couple (man and woman). This couple befriended me, stole from me, lied about me, used me, and wanted to sue me to get money. On their last few days at living above me, they decided to put their plan into action. I walked out of my house, and was dragged into the bushes underneath the stairs at the apartments and beaten by them. As I lay there I am screaming bloody murder for they both were beating on my body, as I was begging someone to call the police, my poor black body was being brutally beaten. The Police told them to press charges against me. The Caucasian Officer said to me “How dare you come into my town thinking you can beat up on my white women”. At that point I knew I was in for a long hard, drug out fight of my life. In my story I will show you the evidence, the transcripts, all paperwork pertaining to this incident and bring you through the process. All I ask is to look at the evidence and decide for yourself if this was a fair verdict. From the Misrepresentation of Attorneys, to witnesses testimonies, to the unfair treatment at the hospital, to the inadequate judges in the trial and appeal process, all the way through to the sentencing and home monitoring. This book will take you through from the incident to the trial and beyond.

About the Author

Growing up the youngest of six kids, Sasha Hood found life to be a struggle just to survive within her family. Ever since Sasha could remember, writing has always been a way for her to express her feelings. Sasha remembers way back in the day writing journals and poetry at the age of ten. This was a way for her to be able to release the negative that was happening and turn it into something completely beautiful as poetry. In Sasha's adult years, she found that she was able to absorb information rapidly and modify information to its simplest form. Sasha is very detail-oriented to the degree of anal-retentive. That’s why she began working in healthcare. In Sasha's eighteen years in healthcare, her main focus became finance, working her way up the ladder from medical records to director in finance at Standard Hospital without a college degree. After Sasha retired in 2007 from a disability from healthcare, she was thrown into the world to find her place. From life experiences, Sasha knew that the justice and the healthcare system was equally flawed—but not like this! Justice or Just Us . . . You Decide is the first book in a series of the unbalance of the judicial system and healthcare system. Stay tuned, for there are more to come.