Champagne for Tea
Book Details
About the Book
Champagne for Tea consists of various stories. Old friends and new acquaintances touch each others’ lives, sometimes lovingly, sometimes dangerously. Jack Nielson, Emily’s husband, is having a midlife crisis. Emily is looking for love, and her eldest daughter is planning to marry, but to whom? And Helen Bennett, an embittered and scheming woman, is chasing Jack. Then, there is Rosie who has a dark secret; Michael Lee, who is looking for his father and, unfortunately, crosses Helen’s path; and Alison Waters who needs to find a man to fulfill her maternal instincts. Life is not perfect but in the end love prevails. “Champagne for Tea is bursting with colourful characters, dramatic settings and delicious plot twists. The characters are one of the story’s great strengths and the reader gets a real sense of who they are as people through their detailed back stories.” - Hollywood Coverage
About the Author
Ann Bailey was born in England, spent six years in Singapore, and now lives in The Netherlands. ‘Champagne for Tea’ is a new book which combines ‘An Innocent Cup of Tea’ and ‘Leaves in the Tea’. She has previously written ‘InBetween Shadows’, a true paranormal story, together with a bundle of poems called ‘That’s Life’.