Golden Moments

Life Poems

by Juliette Gleaton-Hill



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/7/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781490735245
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781490735238

About the Book

Golden Moments by Juliette Gleaton-Hill is a compilation of the author’s poignant, amusing, captivating, and compelling poetic works. These golden-age reflections provide a variety of life situations that will holistically empower, inspire, and encourage its readers. Juliette’s life poems envision life’s totality in a way that creative minds and imaginative readers will find stimulating and inspirational. It is a collection of electrifying poems that expresses trials, tribulations, and triumphs in the life of the author. The uniqueness of this book of poems is its poetic impressions and expressions designed by the author to motivate and stir the imagination of the readers. Readers of all ages will find a story to cherish—a true testimony of how good God is and how He is to be greatly praised. There is a message of love, hope, patience, faith, and laughter in Juliette’s verses that will lift your spirit.

About the Author

Juliette Gleaton-Hill is a seventy-five-year-old native of Atlanta, Georgia. She is a Christian woman, a mother of six grown children, a grandmother of seven children, and a great-grandmother of two. She was married to the late Athaniel Hill Jr. for fifty-four years. She is a retired educator. Juliette received a Merit of Honor Award from The International Society of Poets in 1992 for her “Peace” poem, which was donated to the United Nations in Washington, DC. She was awarded the International Poet of Merit in 1992 and 1993 by the International Society of Poets. She was awarded the World of Poetry Silver Poet Award in 1986 and 1989. In 1985, she received the World of Poetry Golden Poet Award. In 2002, she received a Celebrate! Educators Poets Speak Out honorable mention. Other works of the author includes a chapbook of poetry, a poetry album, and a children’s picture book. Juliette was inspired by her mother and aunts who were writers and poets. She began writing as a child. Growing up, Juliette wrote for school events, special events, and church and community affairs. Juliette is currently writing short stories and essays. Thanks for reading Golden Moments. You will be encouraged!