Making A Difference In Life

simple things to nurture and strengthen you as you make extraordinary changes in life

by Stanley Justin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/19/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781490727615
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781490727592
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781490727608

About the Book

Making A Difference In Life is basically organized into a series of fundamental and inspirational quotes that will motivate you from where you once were to a new you. Things that are being done by you that prevents you from moving forward in life especially your attitude you display in life will make you a difference from the start when you fall to the start when you get up, it is good to fall in life so you can work either on your weak areas or something that was done and you shouldn’t have done but your attitude will now call into effect when you have to stand up. Most times people gossip about persons too much while their work and other personal works are keep behind, that off course can impose a major sinkage on you as an individual. Most times when i tell people to better themselves, they think i am asking them to be like somebody, NO! bettering yourself is not like wanting to be like somebody, in life you must never want to be like somebody apart from yourself and you must have faith, trust and courage in yourself in order to move further, your family, friends, co-worker may not have trust in you but as long you have in yourself you good too go. The biggest problems most teens have is listening to the Naysayer and this book have a very good point in this topic Naysayers are the last thing to see around and entertain from my experience i will encourage you don’t listen to the Naysayer, people telling you can’t do this or that. You must always listen to yourself, trust yourself people never know your full potential until they see it, i remembered when working on this project i remembered clearly some persons told me that i will never write this book but if i had listened i won’t but i continued my work because i knew i could have did it, i had faith and most importantly encouraged myself. Never be afraid to make decisions because if you don’t you will be paralyzed and you will never made a difference, you must always be willing to try.

About the Author

Stanley Titus Justin is a certified Emergency Medical Technician, Waiter, Draftsman and presently a student pilot.

Stanley is a devotes individual and have a positive outlook towards the future not just his future but every-one.

Stanley has spent the past year and a half studying self- improvement and personal development techniques that he can share with his readers.

He was born in Saint Lucia and currently resides South of Florida, where he enjoys working and training for his pilot wings.

He does lots of drawing, reading on his free time and trying to come up with others means and ways to encourage individuals to move forward.