
A Romance and a Love Story of the Young and Old

by Robert Cory Phillips



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/23/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9781490745176
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9781490745169
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9781490745152

About the Book

As a young boy of eight, Cory was told by his uncle Ernest a wonderful story that happened years ago when he was in service, where he met an American boy that was shot down in an airplane in the war of 1937. A romance and love story of two young people that were torn apart by war. Standing at the doorway, Denise and David kissed for the last time. As she put a scarf around his neck, she handed him a tiny silver thimble for luck. He smiled and said, “I’ll bring it back to you.” As bombs fell, so did buildings. Smoke covered the skies. Denise was trapped in the building for days as blood ran from her face and neck. David’ plane was shot down, and he lost an arm and leg. They lost touch with each other. Both were put in a hospital for months. Soon, Denise and David gave up on ever seeing each other again. That was the end of their love and romance until David came from America, looking to recapture the lost times they had had. Denise, a beautiful French girl, and David, an American boy, wandered apart. Still, he would look at the tiny silver thimble and think of their love and the amazing romance they had as young people in Paris, France.

About the Author

Born in Nashville, Tennessee, Robert went to search for fame in Hollywood, California. He worked as an actor in a few films but found his passion as a photographer on movie sets, where he was told stories from actors, crew, and directors and put many of them down on paper to write about later. Today, he has a great following of his books. “Thimble” is the best in reading material of romance and love stories.