Marshal Book 7
Doctor Cooly and the Little Green Man
Book Details
About the Book
There’s a lot going on, as you may tell by some of the chapter titles, like The Start of a Fun Day, Marshal Speaks, Memories Aren't What They Used to Be, Here Comes the Cavalry, Tales of the Recovery Room, Mission to Nowhere, Everyone through the Looking Glass, Dr. Cooly’s Adventure in Time, Having Beverly for Dinner, Beverly and the Little Green Man, Flying Cars over Chicago and Rumble in the Lumber Yard. If you’re looking for good science fiction with a superhero twist, Marshal is the alien for you.
About the Author
I write to entertain. Sometimes the action may become too graphic or intense for more sensitive readers. It is not meant to be rude, crude, or pornographic, but things can and do get intense at times. I am trying to put you, the reader, in the middle of the action, and it should be intense if it is any good. I do give my readers advance warning so they may skip the more graphic action if they so choose. Also, I cannot spell worth a darn. So please excuse me if anything slipped past the proofreaders.