Seth Mabry

The Ritual Murders

by Otis Morphew



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/15/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781490752907
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781490752891

About the Book

Many strange things have happened in our world that we know nothing about, and many are performed by nature. Such as earthquakes that almost always change the landscape, storms that destroy what man has spent his life building. But the strangest of all is in the minds of men, whether spurred by greed, insanity, or just plain carelessness, what they sometimes do, no one can explain. Tyler, Texas was a prospering, somewhat wealthy community. A city of great proportion and in 1880, alive with prosperity and boundless growth,…until the murders began! Tyler’s citizens were being randomly kidnapped and murdered, their bodies found several days later beheaded and drained of blood, left in the town square during the night to be found the next morning. There were no clues, no traces of wrongdoing. No one was seen, no sounds heard during the disappearances. Law enforcement was baffled, without a clue to follow or a suspect to question. It was as if some unknown force of evil was at work. No one ventured out of their homes at night, even though the victims were taken from their homes. Nine such murders had taken place before the Sheriff asked for help, and that help was in the form of Federal United States Marshals. What they would uncover would send shivers down their spine, as neither had ever heard of, or witnessed such cruelty in what they discovered to be a Cult of fanatics,…all worshipping Satan by performing their blood rituals. But where were they? They had searched both town and County several times with no results and now, they had only two days left before the full moon. If they were not found and stopped by then, they would not find them at all. Time was running out for Seth Mabry.

About the Author

My name is Otis Morphew. I am seventy-six years old and retired. I love the Old West in its truest form, and for the most part, it is never much depicted in its truest form. This is what I wanted to do—write my western books the way it really must have been. There were no heros in white hats, only those made by the dime novelists. My characters and the story are fiction. I wrapped the two around actual events of our past, thus making my novels historically correct western fiction, written the way I believe that it must have been. No piece of cake!