
Book Details
About the Book
“TOM BLUEFOOT,CHIEF TECUMSEH, AND THE WAR OF 1812” IS A SEQUEL TO “TOM BLUEFOOT, WYANDOT SCOUT, GENERAL ‘MAD ANTHONY’ WAYNE, AND THE BATTLE OF FALLEN TIMBERS”. While the present narrative stands alone, readers would benefit from reading the novel about FALLEN TIMBERS first. The following is a book of historical fiction. Dates and places are as accurate as research can establish them. Known historical figures are portrayed correctly, while conversations, dialogue, etc.,are necessarily contrived. Readers can rest assured that they have been afforded at least a glimpse into this critical time in our nation’s history.
About the Author
Lloyd Harnishfeger retired after thirty-seven years in public education. He was a teacher, principal, and then, for twenty years, was a curriculum director for Putnam County, Ohio, schools. He was named Outstanding Supervisor by the Ohio Association of School Supervisors and Outstanding Alumnus at Bluffton College, his alma mater. Lloyd has authored nine books, several of these dealing with the teaching of “listening skills” to public schoolchildren. They are in use all over the United States as well as in several foreign countries. His lifelong avocation is the collection and study of American Indian artifacts, which led to the subject of most of his published books. Lloyd lives in Pandora, Ohio, with his wife of fifty-nine years. Marjorie is a retired public school music teacher. Their daughter Rebecca is chairperson of the music department at Ohio Northern University.