I was raised as a Catholic and the word means general or universal, from the Greek word katholikos. To tell personal stories about my Catholic boyhood would be one thing and incomplete; I am an immigrant and naturalized American citizen since 1962.
Later in life, as a seminarian, a historian in his own right, who is emerging as an author of alternative history, this epic story of Moses of the Old Testament is being retold in resemblance of this modern-day narrative in The Eurasian Gentile. He has captured all his personal history in this memoir incorporating his life experiences throughout his many travels.
The mere record of a humane experience in the politics, economics and social mores of colonial life was entrenched in the heritage of a people living detached from the motherland to a frenzied Diaspora Encounter in China. One discussed relativity and the atom bomb; analyzed Marxism and Communism comparing both to Christianity and Democracy.
The ships of Columbus pierced that veil and brought the vast continent into view. Today, it is the destiny of America to pierce another veil, the veil of the Middle Eastern peoples of the world. Our performance is to uplift these people to some decency of living. Ultimately, our ending of all wars whether for religious or other reasons is our task and our mission.
Briefly, in these twenty-five chapters of an abridged book above all, all the pages of his narrative came from the heart, filled with imagination and passion. In essence, a dauntless
Journey and endeavor in one’s life of symbiosis such as in cultural and historical aspect per se. It helps him to examine the subjects he feels strongly about, writes about them with integrity, a candor to better capture the hidden values and using writing as an ongoing means of self-discovery and self-expression – that can be!
In the first chapter, “In the Beginning of Time”
About Creation as cited in the Scripture in Genesis:
We believe how things come from God; the first beginning of things must be by total production out of nothing. All things in the final analysis are created.
Therefore, the goodness of God is both the first effecting cause of things and the ultimate final cause (the end or goal) for which things are created.
For the second chapter, “Seeking My History and Culture” in the early history of Portugal of the 12th century the ancestors of today’s Portuguese:
Decided, they did not want to be associated with their Spanish neighbors in Leon and Castile. The split that was to occur followed a typical medieval pattern of indiscretion, ambition, jealousy, open conflict, and the emergence of a popular hero around whom the people could rally in a cause of independence.
A Christian family, ‘much like as remnant of an Exodus led by Moses in the Old Testament in Egypt under Pharaoh,’ except, ‘in this instance from the port of Shanghai in 1951 due to communism under Mao Zedong.”
Today, we are also smitten akin to refugee problems in the Middle East with its political and religious persecutions.
We arrived in San Francisco on Dec. 8, 1956 aboard the “President Cleveland” on voyage No. 69 as a tribe of people destined under Providence, to be the secondary cause for restoration of the freedom and liberties of the human race.
We are the second cause; God is the primary cause.