The Diaspora Encounter


by Francisco A. Cruz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/26/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 414
ISBN : 9781490762180
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 414
ISBN : 9781490762173
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 414
ISBN : 9781490762166

About the Book

The mere record of a humane experience in the politics, economics and social mores of colonial life was entrenched in the heritage of a people living detached from the motherland to a frenzied Diaspora Encounter in China. One discussed relativity and the atom bomb; analyzed Marxism and Communism comparing both to Christianity and Democracy. The ships of Columbus pierced that veil and brought the vast continent into view. Today, it is the destiny of America to pierce another veil, the veil of the Middle Eastern peoples of the world. Our performance is to uplift these people to some decency of living. Ultimately, our ending of all wars whether for religious or other reasons is our task and our mission. As a historian in his own right, who is emerging as an author of alternative history, he has captured all his personal history in this memoir incorporating his life experiences throughout his many travels.

About the Author

FRANCISCO CRUZ is an immigrant and naturalized American citizen since 1962. I arrived in San Francisco on Dec. 8, 1956 aboard the "President Cleveland”. With forty-one years in U.S. Civil Service, twenty-eight years in banking, then five years as franchise owners with my wife, Doreen (deceased 1984) of a ‘Seven-Eleven’ in Fairfax Ca. and aggregated an unbroken double career of twenty five years minimum. Now I live with my wife, Terry, in Rio Vista, California. We have been married for twenty-nine years and have six grown children (extended family), six grandchildren, and a Pomeranian dog, Rex.