Through the Fire

by Raj Lowenstein



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/22/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 290
ISBN : 9781490768397
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 290
ISBN : 9781490768403
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 290
ISBN : 9781490768380

About the Book

Detective Daniel Hartman lives in a three-story condo in the Montrose section of Houston that he rents from his twin brother, Dr. David Hartman. When Daniel wakes up to discover a woman, naked and recovering from a savage attack, his first instincts are those of a detective. The woman is not a stranger, however. His life will change as the woman becomes entwined not only with his life but also with his heart. The woman, Michael Braun, is scared, homeless, and unsure of what is happening. Daniel Hartman is an intimately familiar stranger, who, without hesitation, wraps her in his protective arms and steals her heart. Can she be sure that this vicious attack was a random act when she remembers nothing of the episode itself? Has Michael’s past, a past she struggled to escape from, found her? Can she keep herself and the man she loves safe without losing more than her soul? Will Detective Hartman become a pawn in a killer’s twisted game of revenge? Will he become his lover’s dagger, or will he go through the fire to save what he has found?

About the Author

Raj Lowenstein lives with her husband, dogs, and cats. Their three children and three grandchildren live in Colorado and Texas. She has a bachelor’s in American sign language interpreting with a minor in Jewish studies from University of Houston. She started writing Through the Fire in 2004 while attending Gallaudet University in Washington, DC, for a semester. Even though she has had poems published in literary magazines, it took her only forty-something years to decide that it was OK to actually get a book published. This is her first of many books; she has goals! She hopes you enjoy Through the Fire and will look forward to her other books as they appear.