“There is no matter as such” told Max Planck and named God, as the personalization of the intelligent mind, who holds the world together – as conclusion of his speech on “The Nature of Matter” conference at Florence in 1944. While his explanation was pretty global, he has given also the point, as he added: “all matter originates and exists only by virtues of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together.”
This is in fact all about the process based elementary approach.
This is all about processes in the elementary world rather than particles. The tools of the intelligent mind are no others than events in time, intensities, temperature, quantum communication, quantum impulses, quantum impacts, space, space-times, gravitation, quantum speed and similar categories. The minutest solar system is based on balanced quantum communication – permanent change between the two inflexions of the elementary cycles.
The anti-proton/proton inflexion is the origin of the proton process, the sphere symmetrical expanding acceleration, the capacity of the intensities, accumulated during the anti-proton collapse. The proton process is quantum impact of certain constant number of quantum impulses for certain periods, increasing in time, with decreasing frequency. The absolute value of the intensity capacity available is without change, but with the frequency of the impact is getting less and less in time.
The electron process is work intensity at constant time system, but with the number of the impacted quantum decreasing in time. This work intensity drives the neutron process into collapse. The number of the impacted quantum is less and less, until the electron process has its intensity capacity to drive the collapse of the neutron process.
The progress of the elementary evolution means the periodicity of the elementary processes with different and decreasing quantum speed and intensity values and with the generation of the quantum impulse.
Electron process quantum drives cannot run out to zero intensity, as in this case there would be no intensity/energy for the collapse to start from. The “nothing” (zero intensity, fully expired) cannot be the starting point of the next elementary step. Therefore, all elementary processes have a remaining, residual quantum entropy value within the electron process. The power, the quantum impact capacity of this residual entropy value is of infinite small, not capable for any drive, but still not zero. This remaining quantum impact entropy value is the quantum impulse (quantum), the building stone of the space.
The space and the space-time are different categories. Space is composed from quantum impulses. Space-time is the characteristic of the process with certain acting quantum speed value and time count. Space-time is the category of the elementary communication. If the space is the garden than the space-times are the trees within the garden.
Events happen in space and time. Definition of time cannot be given without event and space is composed from quantum impulses, the entropy remains of elementary processes (events).
The process based approach globalise the view and grants the necessary harmony to the measured experimental data and the global theory, the understanding of our world: the quark processes represent the different intensity stages of the elementary expansion and the collapse; the W and the Z bosons represent the intensities of the inflexions; the anti-electron processes are the origins of the electromagnetic impacts and the quantum impacts of gravitation; gravitation is part of the elementary quantum communication.
Quantum impacts are signals propagating within the quantum space in any direction. The quantum impulses (quantum) of the space transfer all quantum impacts without any modification. All quantum impacts are electron process blue shift impacts. The intensity and the conflict of these quantum impacts is the one, establishing the aggregate status of the elementary processes.
Quantum impacts of infinite high intensity and conflict result in the plasma status.
Quantum impacts of “moderate” intensities and conflicts result in gaseous, liquid and solid aggregate statuses. The intensity and the conflict of the quantum impacts (of the electron and the anti-electron processes) establish the quantum speed value of the communication of the elementary processes. As the intensities of the quantum impacts of the communication and the intensities of the developing conflicts are the ones establishing the form of the appearance of the event – matter is the matrix of the information indeed, with infinite large variety of options, available.
Matter, as matrix of quantum impacts (information) is far not just an elementary category in theory only. Air, water, hydrocarbons, minerals, all our natural and man-made products are results of the quantum communication of the elementary processes. The form of their appearance is function of the intensities, the values of the quantum speed, the internal and external conflicts, the elementary balance – function of the overall conditions of the quantum communication.
Matter is the materialisation of quantum impacts!
Gravitation, the product of the elementary evolution is our free energy source!
Our energy generation technologies are today in the double trap of efficiency and environmental impact. Efficient forms are all with significant environmental impact, while all those, without, or with less environmental impact are of low or limited efficiency.
The conflict of the Hydrogen process in acceleration and the quantum impact of gravitation generate heat. The principle of the energy generation is simple: The “instrument” is the Hydrogen process, speeded up, the source is gravitation. The measured results of the small scale experiments, given in the book prove the potential of this technology.