Arizona Star
Book Details
About the Book
It was late spring, 1889. “Pie” Allen, two term mayor of Tucson, was recently deceased, but the town was already in mourning as the newly chosen town marshal had been bushwhacked. Lawlessness had run amuck for months as the number of bad-cases multiplied. Jake Cantlin was summoned to Arizona by older brother, Matt, general manager of the large stage and freight outfit which had suffered substantial loses. Matt had convinced the town council Jake could bring resolution to the atrocities his company and the town suffered. The harsh enlightenment that welcomed Jake to the blemished Arizona town comingled the brutality of murderous outlaws, a cantankerous ex-confederate colonel, desert Apaches, and the sly saloon owner, Frazee Zink. An unsullied new U.S. Deputy Marshal, Joshua Stoner, took to Jake like a bear fresh out of hibernation that had found a spring-ripened trout stream. He saw that Jake was smart, strong, had the sand of Hickock and the six-gun ability of a Buffalo Bill sharp-shooter. Signs of culprits that dealt the dirty cards were shuffled and sleeved. It would require clever and bold law work, but if Stoner and Cantlin could persevere, they might be able to restore sanctity to the town and put a shine on the star shaped law badges.
About the Author
Don Russell was Oklahoma born and raised in Independence, Missouri, the origination point of the Santa Fe, Oregon and California Trails. The history of the West riveted into his character and he relates it with a cleverness that blends the frontier’s ruthlessness and compassion into his stories.