PHOTOPEOPLE; Coming of the Greenbacks.

by Paul W. Richard



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/2/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781698701615
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781698701639
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781698701622

About the Book

Changing how humans on the earth might become less overpopulating and more in balance with their environment is the thrust of this story. Survival of people requires a change in human thinking and living patterns that have endangered the earths resources as climate change stressed and altered the human future. Since human over reproduction resulted in huge energy demands as well as food production declines, what can change this tailspin of humans living out of balance with the carrying capacity of the earth? All of humanity seems in danger as people want more of everything, much more than the earth can furnish in food, living space and energy. As the earth heats up year by year with higher temperatures, what can stop the harmful ideas cemented in human thinking? Will genetic engineers save humanity?

About the Author

Paul W. Richard grew up loving Colorado mountain rivers and outdoor ranch life leading him to an eventual professorship in biological science at the University of Northern Colorado. He happily taught junior high, high school, and university students for thirty years. He also conducted science research in both the Arctic and Antarctica on scientific polar expeditions. As a retired professor emeritus of biological science, he lives and writes in Greeley, Colorado.