A Concise History of Afghanistan-Central Asia & India- Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, East Turkistan, in 25 Volumes:
Volume 2

Book Details
About the Book
A Concise History of Afghanistan-Central Asia & India-Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, East Turkistan in 25 Volumes: Volume 2 Afghanistan Sitting on Gold, Lithium Mine oil, gas, only-natural gas prices-per day 86 billion Dollars US, & Iron ore, copper, large Uranium, $100 trillion of mineral reserves, precious an semi-precious stones, emerald-lapis lazuli, red-gamete A ruby, Marble, Coal. Saxon (present day British) and Russian- The Romanov family Activity on Afghan territory the Saxon-Great Games in Afghanistan huge Territories 2.6 million sq km the Great Pamir between two Germen Empire present day British and Russia, China, and Durand line.
About the Author
Background, Born 1949, In Kabul Afghanistan, Educated in a French school 1955-67 Kabul But I have been living most of my life in Germany, United States of America, and Canada. Hamburg, raised in Germany 1968-88 studying, Engineering and History Los Angeles California United States, Working and studied History and political, 1988-94. Canada from 1994—2020 Vancouver B.C helped me to complete the book, Manuscripts is ready. My family has a 2500-year history, 500 B.C Kandahar, My family called first Afghan Loya Jirga in Kandahra during Greek era (to maintain the Greek or throw them out), Zoroastrians, Buddhism, becomes the dominant way of life on the Aryan steppes. The second Loyya Jirga called by my great, great, grand, Uncle Mirwais Baba Hotak in Kandahra in seventeenth century. In 1700 A.D my great, great, grand father’s minister Yar M. Alikuzai in Heart, and Kandahar during European called The Great Games, the stories of brave Women such Malalai Alikuzai during the Battle of Maiwand on July 29, 1879 She was my great, great grand Aunt, my Grand father’s Faquer M. Alikuzai was prominent member of Kandahra society in King’s Army A.D 1867- 1947. In 1919-1929 Your Majesty King Amaunllah Khan called Loya Jirga. My father’s Wahed Alikuzai was a prominent member of Kabul society in King’s army; he died at the hands of communists.