Stories of the Hunkpapa Band of the Great Sioux Native

by Eya Mani



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/22/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781698708904
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781698708911

About the Book

“WATEH1CA... That Which You Hold Dear...” Book II is a larger collection of poems and short stories ...both books are filled with historical, cultural, and humorous stories, some very old, some contemporary...

About the Author

The author lives on the Standing Rock Reservation in South Dakota with his wife, his children and his grandchildren. Both John Luke and his wife Sandra are full blood Hunkpapa Lakota... Born in July of 1949, he was raised by his grandparents, and later his aunts and uncles took this responsibility. Since his extended family knew only the Lakota way of life, his upbringing and writings reflect those beliefs and customs. John Luke is a musician, a cowboy, an artist, tipi maker, councilman, poet, writer and storyteller. And as a public speaker, John Luke has also hosted his own radio talk show titled, ‘Ideas, Hopes, and Dreams...Inc.’ which addressed veterans issues... Having driven the United States as a long haul truck driver, John Luke is also proud to be a United States Marine and a combat veteran of Vietnam... He took his pen name ‘Eya Mani’ in 1995, when he entered his first poem, Circle, in a contest and won. In 1999 he was designated ‘Poet Laureate’ for his work on Smartgirl, and in 2000, his work was used to produce the video commemorating Veterans Day by television station WB2, out of Denver, Colorado… which was broadcast worldwide. John Luke took his grandfather’s name, Eya Mani or Speaks Walking, to honor his maternal grandfather, John Luke Speaks Walking, and the work he did for the community of Rock Creek...and the people of Standing Rock. “WATEHICA...That Which You Hold Dear...” Book I is a small collection of poems and short stories... “WATEH1CA... That Which You Hold Dear...” Book II is a larger collection of poems and short stories ...both books are filled with historical, cultural, and humorous stories, some very old, some contemporary... Eya Mani’s forth coming novel, “IYO’HI...the Journey” is a chronicle of events the Lakota of his band experienced to be where they are today...physically ...spiritually...and socially. The record is kept much as the Lakota winter count ...where only one or two events are recorded on the buffalo hide, telling of the band’s history for that year... You are invited, to come...and take the Journey... John Luke Flyinghorse Sr. will be your guide ...you will not be disappointed. Hau!