A Concise History of Afghanistan-India Central Asia in 25 Volumes: Volume 3
Afghanistan-Central Asia & India

Book Details
About the Book
From Alexander the Great 321 BC to USA invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001. And from Aryana-Khorasan to Afghanistan Cultural History & Art from Aryana 3,500 years ago “AD 747 Khorasan, middle of the nineteenth century Afghanistan.
About the Author
Born in Kabul in 1949, and educated in a French school until the age of seventeen, Hamid’s education was enriched and very influenced by his grandmother, his mother’s mother, who was highly educated and passed down ancient wisdoms and cultural heritage. These stories, wisdoms, and discussions touched him deeply and so profoundly that he began even as a young boy to live his life in a way that reflected these teachings. His grandmother’s history, culture, wisdom, ideas and knowledge of all religions and the 9 prophets was taught to Hamid. Each story or pearl of wisdom took his grandmother sometimes as long as two to three weeks to tell. In preparation for these teachings the children would have to bathe from head to toe and put on fresh clothes. Every day was like Christmas when his grandmother was there. To Hamid she was looked and spoke like an angel. Hamid’s father, Wahed Alikuzai, was educated in Europe until 1932 in nuclear science for the military and there was very strict discipline and order in the house. Education was the number one priority. Hamid’s father was also very powerful in his knowledge and connection with the ancient way of life and our connection to the earth .His father had a one hundred percent firm belief that all people are equal, regardless of faith, education or social status.