A Lion Like No Other

by Roary



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/11/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9781412065023

About the Book

Roary is a lion like no other. After discovering that a big, beautiful world lies just beyond the walls of the store, Roary decides to jump off the shelf and dive into life with all four paws. It does not take long for Roary to realize that being different is sometimes hard, and he struggles to gain acceptance with his classmates. Being a stuffed lion is tricky, but Roary embraces the challenge and quickly learns to read and write. His story is one of true courage; it sheds light on overcoming fears and finding joy and magic in everyday occurrences. Roary’s message is geared towards children of all ages…being one of a kind is a wonderful thing.

About the Author

This is Roary’s first of many books. Now that he has mastered the art of writing and rhyming, he finds it difficult to put his pencil down. When Roary is not working on a story, he enjoys exploring the great outdoors with his good friends Lion and Laura. Like most lions, Roary appreciates the simple things in life; water, rocks, wind and sunshine are among his favourites. Unlike most lions, Roary plans to have his second book (Seasons Change Like Lions Do), out in the near future. Roary would like to thank all of the people, animals and toys who have helped to make this book possible. He hopes that everyone enjoys his story as much as he enjoyed creating it.