Never Get Too Close to a Fish

by Penelope Torribio



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/28/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781426957246

About the Book

About the Author

Penelope Torribio, a popular So Cal performer, is an award-winning singer-songwriter, puppeteer, photographer, playwright, DVD producer and author. She calls herself an ecology artist in that most of her art has something to do with promoting living in balance with all the elements of our world and beyond. Penelope is the author of :Einstein in My Garden, Photos and Reflections on Bugs; The Magic in You Making Changes in the Neighborhood, a Fairytale; Never Get Too Close to a Fish; The Rain is Coming, a rain forest musical, Dinosaur Dance, how not to become extinct; Outer Space, an outer space ecology musical, Under the Blue Blue Sea, ocean ecology musical; Ruler of the World, a Hindu epic musical ; The Grass is Green, farm animal musical and nearly 100 whimsical and lyrical childrens' songs, many have provided the theme for childrens' ecological shows around the world. Penelope has 10 CDs and six DVDs. Her CDs are primarily from her musicals. Her DVDs are from her “Take-Ten, 10 Minutes with Nature Series.” These DVDs combine her award-winning photography with beautiful relaxation music. So far she has produced six in this series: Bugs and Those Who Love Them 1 and 2, Birds and Those Who Love Them, Water Birds and Those Who Love Them, Oceans and Those Who Love Them and Flowers and Those Who Love. Although they were intended for children, adults have found these Take Tens, a perfect break in the middle of a busy day. Besides producing ecology art Penelope is a great believe in “Kid Power” and her performances and workshops encourage kids to create their own art, music and shows to help promote a more beautiful and harmonious world. Find more about her performances and workshops on Penelope lives in Pomona, Ca with her husband, pets and over 600 puppets from all over the world.