What I Have Learned…
(or Nonagenarian Natterings)

Book Details
About the Book
What I Have Learned... (or Nonagenarian Natterings) (Trafford, 2012) might be considered a sequel to my Through the Eyes of a Concerned Liberal published in 2004. This “sequel” explains what I believe about various aspects of ”life and living” (i.e., why I believe what I do; and what I sought to do about “it all.”) It could prove interesting to anyone facing the same or similar “life problems” in this “crazy world” that is becoming more scary as I write these words. What I say here should be easily intelligible-if not “agreeable”! -to any reasonably intelligent, concerned member of North American society. My “historical interpretation laced with philosophical under girding” led me to a belief that human civilization must be accepted as an adventure. How could it be regarded otherwise? As a young adult, I entered the “realm of life assessment” by seeking a purpose for my life. I accepted the philosophical stance known as pragmatism at this point, while seeking to “solidify” my acceptance of political and social liberalism as guidance throughout my life.
I soon discovered the ever-present need to make “defensible ethical decisions” based on “a wise choice of values”. This matter was confounded by what I gradually saw as the ever-increasing need to counteract America’s value orientation as the world moves along in the 21st century. To do this I had to be sure that I was on the right track. I did this by “finding myself” once again through self-evaluation of my philosophic and socio-political stances. Hence, I encourage all North Americans to re-examine their values while embracing a modified form of postmodernism. Finally, I can only hope that America will “come to its senses”. America must somehow live up to the values it so glibly espouses…