
Book Details
About the Book
A dual citizen of Canada and the United States, Dr. Zeigler has taught, coached, researched, and administered programs at four universities (Western Ontario [twice]; Illinois, UIUC; Michigan, Ann Arbor; and Yale). He has published 55 books and 432 articles. The top six awards in his field in North America have been bestowed on him. He has received three honorary doctorates and is listed in Who’s Who in Canada, Who’s Who in America, and Who’s Who in the World. In this monograph, Dr. Zeigler draws on his seventy years of experience with the field of sport and physical activity education (including athletics) to offer some advice to the counselor and young person either considering entry or just starting out as a young professional. After discussing the decision to enter the field, he explains the five stages of philosophical development that the individual might experience in the course of a career in the field. Initially, he explains the need for self-evaluation with the introduction of a self-evaluation checklist for the prospective teacher to complete (e.g., educational aims and objectives, the educative process, ethics). This is followed by a self-evaluation questionnaire concerning the person’s sociopolitical beliefs (e.g., freedom of speech and press, environmental crisis, war and peace). Next the teacher/coach is introduced to decision making in sport and physical activity education through the introduction of a case method technique where detailed analysis might occur (including the possibility of an ethical dimension when needed). The subject of administrator evaluation by faculty members is presented next through use of an appraisal guide. This is followed by an explanation of program assessment through the introduction of strategic market planning. Finally, the professional person is offered a test for self-evaluation of his or her RQ, or recreation quotient. All in all, these several self-testing, evaluative devices and further discussion could be most helpful to the young professional entering the field of sport and physical activity in the twenty-first century.