Revitalizing Nigerian Education in Digital Age

by Soji Oni



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/11/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 638
ISBN : 9781466962026
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 638
ISBN : 9781466962002
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 638
ISBN : 9781466962019

About the Book

Revitalizing Nigerian Education in Digital Age: What most of the papers in this book have in common is the concern for the revitalization of Nigerian education in the digital age through ICT and other modern methods of making education functional and effective in the new modernity. While some of the chapters deal with conceptual issues, others consider the various role of education in this digital age and how Nigeria can be relevant. Most of the chapters present well-researched, detailed, and informative papers on how to reposition Nigerian education in the digital age. Specifically, the role of education in bringing Nigeria’s new world about are discussed in simple language and then taken up in different forms all through the book. Since Nigeria has to act fast and decisively to be on the same development and education wavelength as the other members of today’s global family, serious actions are being suggested in this book. Revitalizing Nigerian Education in Digital Age simply means taking the above desiderata seriously. Nigeria has a daunting task here in view of the heavy education burden. This is the message that this book puts across.

About the Author

Soji Oni (PhD), a Fulbright scholar, is a lecturer in the Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria. He specializes in sociology of education and foundation studies in education. His area of research focus includes social problems in education, social change in education, and social deviances/social disorganizations in education with particular focus on students’ secret cult in Nigeria. He has published widely in these areas. He has a lot of publication to his credit, which includes chapters in books and articles that have appeared in national and international learned journals. He is the secretary and managing editor of Journal of Educational Review of Higher Education Research and Policy Network. He is also an associate editor of Nigerian Journal of Sociology of Education of the Association of Sociologists of Education of Nigeria; an associate editor of Spo leczenstwo i Rodzina (Society and Family Journal), published by Faculty of Social Science, Stalowa, Wola, the John Paul II Catholic University, Lublin, Poland; an editorial board member of the East African Journal of Educational Research and Policy (EAJERP), published by Higher Education Research and Policy Network (HERPNET) Africa; and an editorial board member of Lagos Educational Review, journal of the Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria. He was recently appointed as editor in chief of Journal of Social Sciences, published by International Association of Multidisciplinary Research in the Philippines.