This is the revelation of the beginning of King Mike/James and the great MEMPIRE. There shall never be a greater story ascend to your planet of the good and evil of those who exist not being of divinity. This story became reality so many of your millenniums years ago yet the blood and tears that were shed still echo through the universe. A different time and different world saw the same universal forces battle fiercely without mercy. I am one who was called sheer. I would be like unto a historian on your planet, collecting and receiving all my information from the King who created a land that was rich in the exchange of all information. The king put my existence into an instrument, which I can always be and shall ever not be as long as I serve inside his instrument allowing him to share his message with all who were of the planters. My life in the flesh joyfully ended so long ago with my memories as if it were yesterday; however the goal of my life is to ensure that all creation experiences the greatest story that was and maybe someday share in the fruit that flows from this deeply rooted tree. As you absorb my words and see the light from my soul, enjoy, fear and share these great events, and use what you learn to guide you as your planet soon begins to travel among the stars. Please be assured that all you read here is true. Know you that good only defeats evil and night conquers day only after a great fight. A storm does not stop destroying until that which feeds it ceases. The light slowly fights each inch of the darkness, not stopping until the light controls, yet the dark returns to fight repeatedly. I shall attempt to share this story using simple words and describe what I saw in as easy visions as possible to insure that all who read can learn, and prevent misunderstandings through translation. The place of these great events gave birth in a solar system in a galaxy many galaxies beyond what you call the Milky Way, and at the slow speed of your light, you could be there in a couple dozen millenniums. In order to tell you this story I assimilated some of your knowledge into my program banks. This I hope will allow this story to come to you as told from a friend and not a foreigner. This has worked successfully in so many places that I have planted this story. Your planet is occupied by life forms, many of which are the same as on Lamenta, the land from which my story took place. I will tell you more about this land as the story continues, as I do not want to burden you too much too early. It is better to say some and have the audience know some, rather than say much and have them know little. Oh, if only you could see and know about the places that I have shared this great story with. I marvel at how you have fought so much against each other. I hope that this story will help you to unite and grow as those who live in your stars have. Let this knowledge flow into the deepest parts of your heart, so you can guard against hate and feed love. Let your gardens of love conquer all. Only when united with trust and faith can you stomp the power of evil as it gushes in to torture the reasonable. Long ago (as you like to begin your stories) at the other side of the universe existed an evil and wicked empire known as Hersonia. This empire was the paramount empire known for hate to have existed in all the lands, which gave birth from the planters. In the year from the planting of 4985, a great famine of fifteen years crippled the empire, a change that would lead to its bloody destruction. Why the famine happened is unknown, one could hope that it was their reward for so much wrong; however no evidence exists to support this claim. Time is recorded among the life forms that you call humans throughout the universe as “Years from the planting.” This place called Earth is the only planet that does not use this form of time. The universal laws put great constraints on my ability to tell what the planting is; however, I know that with time you will discover this basis for this universal truth shared among our kinds. I do know that no event has ever been recorded on Lamenta or any other planet that I have shared this story before the time of the plantings, which of course vary from planet to planet. As we flow into the universe passing, many stars the “years for the planting” begin, the beginning point decreasing as we approach Lamenta. The king has ordered that I share this story to all who were from the planting towards earth, then return to Lamenta and then continue until I can no longer discover worlds from the planting. I am so lucky that before I gave up my flesh, the King installed an assimilator in my ship, which allows me to combine my knowledge with the various knowledge of the new planets that I travel too, thus allowing me to update my information. That way I sound closer to the age of those I share this with, as compared to a million year old ghost from far away. I do know that the King was preparing other information sharing voyages throughout our galaxies, sharing other stories with the planted that are scattered throughout the Milky Way and beyond. My story concentrates from the year of the planting 4885 through 5030. These were the most turbulent 45 periods of 600 days ever known to the Lamentonites. As your planet takes 365 days to orbit your small sun, Lamenta takes 600 days to orbit the twin suns named Kanji and Taeyang.