Our world underwent many changes in its long history. It too, like most of the life from other planets in this solar system had a life that was destroyed, as the planets were destroyed, then reformed again. Saturn fell first, followed by Jupiter and Mars after which was Earth, which is now starting to cool down and reform. It should be ready for life if our world is also destroyed once more. I have heard about the children of Mars and Earth from stories as told by my father. They were such contrasting worlds, as Mars was so spiritual and rebelled against the throne and Earth rebelled against the thrones.
Oi, my brother whom is as much of my soul as is I, as we always searched for the wrong that these creations had, and spent most of our lives explaining what these creations did wrong and how to avoid the inevitable doom or removal from the light. We steered our eyes to the heavens and never wavered, for we knew the price of disobedience is death or absence of the light. We at no time worried about any punishment for disobedience; we knew that we not, at any time, live without our light and never cared about all the trials and tribulations that followed every step of our flesh test. We knew that which we touched was not to be forever, for it was in the dark and actually hiding the light. If we touch it or it touches us, it is a part of the struggle to the light. It is as air and water. When disobedience is added to the air, it becomes heavy and changes form. When life is sucked into it, the life will die. Only life born from within water may live within the water. Water must be purified by the fire of our sun and pulled apart through separation until it once again becomes air. The wise way is to stay in the air and not suffer the sun’s baking heat to be made pure again after disobedience.
Oi and I discovered that remaining pure as the air was a choice and that this choice would lead to eternal light in the sea of love. Our world faced greater obstacles than the others that our small solar system did. We were an experimental planet, in that the Queen of the Dark finally accepted the light, and was given our New Venus as a first mission. As such, dark would not permit this without the greatest battles of the unseen world. The dark eventually suffered titanic losses as their powers in our universe sank so low that their only chance of survival was to infiltrate the light and lay as dormant cells; however, that is another story. The point, which I am trying to share, is that dark attacked all who lived on New Venus day and night, with their greatest armies after Oi and me. My view is enhanced now that I am in the light and can see all that was in my path. The heavens have given me scrolls that I may eat thereof and speak their words. The scroll of the beginning is the first one that I ate. As these annex my spirit, I am paralyzed seeing that which I never knew. This is what I knew not; however, it just now has magnified the glory of the light that I chose to be served.
The magnitude of emptiness within our throne’s borders, or as others call it the Milky Way, overwhelms me. There are so many worlds, which are only occupied by spiritual temples. They are filled with places in which the saints may praise the throne. They fill the unseen world with such peaceful harmony. I also see so many armies of angels fighting to remove the demons. The Milky Way is as well a black hole for demons as they voluntarily are sucked deep into its clutches. I do not understand why so many come into our kingdom. Why do they focus so much on the Milky Way? My scrolls tell me to worry not for that truth will also be revealed. I currently continue watching my scrolls as their light burns both outside and within me. This is the truth of the ages that my mouth, might now speak, and record for those to read from before, now and yet to come. As in all that I have seen, when darkness covers light, and light does not yield, their light will burn in the darkness, which will fade into the light. I now stood on the great seashore with my feet sinking into the sands of time. The waves of knowledge turned into light as they escaped from the darkness of the night and sea, which appeared as one. I can see but a few spots of white against this curtain of black as it tries to remove the light around me. Shadows of dark slowly push against me from all sides, yet I fear not, for I have within me the light and with the light, I shall not fall to the dark but today take the knowledge it has tried to conceal for so long. Without warning, rising from the sea came one who had large powerful eyes.
I must search longer to find the words to describe her. She wears a black dress and has dark butterflies on her hand. Her mouth lives on the left, yet is decaying on the right. Her lower-right nose is dark, yet all her skin that I see is a light pure azure, which means of the purist living light. Her hair pours as rivers of life-giving blue. She motions for me not to speak. I can feel only good and purity flowing from her, as the dark stays behind her. This is a level of virtuousness, which I have never known. I can only wonder, “Who is she and why is she coming forth from the dark sea?” For her to come out of the dark and still be of light is a sign of her great power. The music in my soul is now trying to find words to mate yet, as with each tone vibrates, the words flash as if between light and dark.